
Cat Knows Too Much in “Pussy” The Play on A Season in Hell, Monday at 8pm

Monday, November 24, 4pm

Pussy_close_upMaura Halloran’s Pussy is clever, quirky, and full of wit and insights into human nature that only a pussycat can have. The title character is a cat owned by a lesbian whose romance is on the rocks. Writer and actor Halloran, John Hell’s guest on tonight’s A Season in Hell, plays both soon-to-be ex-lovers, their mildly homophobic but clearly curious landlady, and Pussy, a keen observer who knows more than she’s able to say. Halloran shifts smoothly and convincingly between all four characters, and is especially delightful to watch jumping onto furniture and calmly licking herself as her ‘masters’ bicker long-distance. Meet all of Pussy’s characters and their creator, Maura Halloran, 8PM tonight on Radio Valencia.

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