
Geek EmaNation

GUESS WHO Is On Geek EmaNation Podcast

November 6, 2015
3:06 pm

Guess WhoThe GUESS WHO are best known for their AM and FM hits like “American Woman” “No Time” and a gazillion others, but from 1969-1973 they put out a series of interesting and eccentric records that missed the public’s eye but caught the ear of a young adolescent Rock’N’Roll Nurse.  Hear lost songs of this excellent Canadian band on this wistful episode of GE.  Winnipeg rocks, fellow music geeks!


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HUGElarge Takeover On Geek EmaNation Show Podcast!

October 29, 2015
9:22 am

HUGElargeROBERT MALTA and MATT NORELLI are HUGElarge, Sonoma County’s loudest and rawest rock duo ever.  Not only did Russian River Brewing Company create a renowned beer in their name, but they boast a pedigree that includes the likes of AMERICAN MUSIC CLUB, PAWPAWBLOWTORCH, and no less than PENN & TELLER!  And they prove that it doesn’t take massive drum kits and ear-numbing amps to make a rockin’ and memorable sound.  Listen as ROBERT and MATT play some fave records and tell some amazing stories on this special live-action episode of GE.  Small can be HUGE, fellow music geeks!


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Bobby’s Beautiful Conn On Geek EmaNation Podcast!

October 22, 2015
8:41 pm

Bobby ConnBOBBY CONN could be a Jesus-loving telemarketer, or he could be the Antichrist, or he could be a hyper-capitalist warmonger, or he could be all of the above or none of the above.  Constantly perplexing and consistently surprising, his records going back to 1997 are still impossible to pin down and categorize.  They’re just really good.  Hear several of Mr. CONN’s finest vinyl releases on this GE episode.  Getting CONNed can be good for you, fellow music geeks!


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ESZTER BALINT Airless On Geek EmaNation Podcast!

October 15, 2015
12:22 pm

Eszter BalintESZTER BALINT grew up in 1980s New York, surrounded by the swirling sounds of No Wave and every other type of music and musician imaginable.  She became a star in a role as a young ambivalent Hungarian woman in Jim Jarmusch’s first feature film Stranger Than Paradise, and in addition to notable film and television roles since that auspicious debut, has continued a parallel musical path, culminating in a remarkable release from this past year called Airless Midnight.  Hear snippets of a freewheeling discussion between your host The Rock’N’Roll Nurse and Ms. Balint along with the entirety of Airless Midnight on this unusually revealing show.  Joy and pain in full color, fellow music geeks!


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ROXY MUSIC’s Perfect Prog/Glam Blend On Geek EmaNation Podcast!

October 1, 2015
8:14 pm

Roxy Music 2ROXY MUSIC was seminal in ways too numerous to mention, but in particular provided the perfect UK bridge from progressive bands like KING CRIMSON to glam artists like DAVID BOWIE and GARY GLITTER.  Hear many of their finest moments, along with excellent solo work by BRIAN ENO and PHIL MANZANERA on this look back to the future, 1970s-style.  Go ProGlam, fellow music geeks!


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FAMILY Values on Geek EmaNation 4-6PM PST!

September 24, 2015
9:43 am

FamilyPsychedelic/Prog/Hard Rock pioneers FAMILY were responsible for some of the greatest LPs never heard in the 1960s and 1970s.  The distinctive hard-edged trilling vocals of ROGER CHAPMAN and the unusual and innovative guitar artistry of CHARLEY (JOHN) WHITNEY drove the band through many style changes which never seemed unnatural or cloying.  Hear some of the great FAMILY songs that barely saw the light of day on this GE episode.  Go under the underground, fellow music geeks!


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Miss Deena and RnRN Collab On Geek EmaNation 4-6PM PST!

September 17, 2015
9:25 am

Miss DeenaFor the exciting finale of a long string of GE shows examining the mysteries and joys of collaboration, amazing vinyl archivist Miss Deena playfully spars with your host The Rock’N’Roll Nurse to play the best (and most surprising) recorded collaborations ever!  Thrill to the sounds of creativity in collision and collusion, fellow music geeks!


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KALINICH/TIVEN’s Rockin’ Spirituality On Geek EmaNation Podcast!

September 11, 2015
2:11 am

Kalinich TivenSTEVEN KALINICH and JON TIVEN have been around various and sundry elements of the rock’n’roll scene since the swinging ’60s, hanging with the likes of several BEACH BOYS, some ROLLING STONES, ALEX CHILTON, PAUL MCCARTNEY and many others across the years.  They’ve also written over 1000 songs together, and a small portion of those songs have appeared on 2 remarkable albums released over the past few years, most notably on their most recent release Each Soul Has A Voice.  You’ll hear that entire record with discussion/commentary by its creators on this unexpectedly spiritual and philosophical GE episode.  Inner/outer peace never rocked so hard, fellow music geeks!


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SQUEEZE’s Astute Pop Portraits On Geek EmaNation Podcast!

September 4, 2015
12:36 pm

SqueezeSongwriting duo CHRIS DIFFORD and GLENN TILBROOK wrote the vast preponderance of the catchy/witty repertoire for their band SQUEEZE circa 1978-1981, and this episode of GE celebrates some of their best work on the 4 LPs released during those years.  Ride that New Wave, fellow music geeks!


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DWIGHT TWILLEY’s Power-Pop Pleasure On Geek EmaNation Podcast!

August 27, 2015
11:24 pm

Dwight TwilleyCriminally overlooked despite producing one of the most stellar power-pop singles of the 1970s (“I’m On Fire”), DWIGHT TWILLEY BAND is finally getting its due in films like Diary Of A Teenage Girl 40 years later.  The 2 LPs that were the total output of the band between 1974-1978 are quite amazing in their songcraft from beginning to end, and you can hear both Sincerely and Twilley Don’t Mind in their entirety in this episode of GE.  Make TOM PETTY move over, fellow music geeks!


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