Change the "On the Air" blurb at the top of the homepage, in the popup player, and in the iPhone and Android apps...

Song name: x

Song author:

Song album:

Show title (set to "robo" to return to RoboDJ):

Show description:


Picture 1 get artwork | update thumbnail | clear
Title:  (optional)
Width:     Height:  (Both optional, and there's now a max of 650 wide)

Picture 2 get artwork | update thumbnail | clear
Width:     Height:

Picture 3 get artwork | update thumbnail | clear
Width:     Height:

Special content (video or pics or whatever). Insert a block of HTML.
Experimental. Notes at bottom of page


How many minutes to display this data?:

Go back to normally scheduled programming... (remember to click this when you're done!)

Song History

Notes on Using the Special Content Magiggy

You can insert a bunch of images or even live video by pasting a block of HTML into the new "Special Content" form field. Your content will appear right below the regular Now Playing area.


For example, to insert Quarterman Jack's live video feed, you'd paste this in:

<iframe src="" scrolling="no" width="508" frameborder="0" height="357"></iframe>

Here's some sample code to embed a YouTube video. Note that you have to change the video URL and (if you want) the size in two places:

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" style="width:500px; height:357px;" data=";amp;autoplay=0&amp;amp;showsearch=0&amp;amp;version=3&amp;amp;fs=1" allowfullscreen="true">

<param name="movie" value=";amp;autoplay=0&amp;amp;showsearch=0&amp;amp;version=3&amp;amp;fs=1">
<param name="allowFullScreen" value="true">
<param name="allowFullScreen" value="true">


Important note about video: If your video keeps restarting every 5 seconds or so, make sure you're using the above code as a starting point. For some reason the code supplied by causes that issue, but the above code works well, so just modify it to taste. Email me if you get the issue with anything else or can't get this to work.

Another note about video: Every time you make a change to the "Special Feature" text, the video will restart for everyone watching, since the entire block of HTML get reloaded. For uStream feeds, that means everyone has to watch an ad... So edit with caution once you insert the video. Note that you can edit the other fields (Show Name, Show Description, etc.), just not the Special Feature. You should do some testing to get the hang of it.


[Edit: for inserting images you should just use the new fields for picture1 through picture3, but you can still do it manually as below if you want.]

Here's how to insert an image. Adjust the size and URL to taste:

<img src = "" width = "175">

Here's a few images, side by side:

<img src = "" width = "175">

<img src = "" width = "175">

<img src = "" width = "175">

<img src = "" width = "175">

Anyway its all experimental, let me know if you have any problems that you can't figure out.