Hosted by The Girl Next Door
The Metal Asylum: 3/14/15
March 14, 2015 12:00pm


The Metal Asylum
The Metal Asylum: 3/14/15
1. Dehuman | Temple of Lust and Fire | Graveyard of Eden
2. Porta Nigra | In stahlgewittern | Kaiserschnitt
3. Harms Way | Docile Bodies | Rust
4. Overtorture | Mirrorkin (feat. Jörgen Sandström) | A Trail of Death
5. Lamb of God | O.D.H.G.A.B.F.E. | New American Gospel
6. Goatwhore | Cold Earth Consumed in Dying Flesh | Constricting Rage of the Merciless
7. Oakhelm | Of Wood and Blood | Betwixt and Between
8. Ephel Duath | Black Prism | On Death and Cosmos - Single
9. Melechesh | Lost Tribes | Enki
10. Barshasketh | As Flesh Becomes Earth | Split
11. Pest | Satanic Winter | Hail the Black Metal Wolves of Belial
12. Death | Baptized In Blood | Scream Bloody Gore
13. Krallice | Energy Chasms | Krallice - EP
14. Lento | Underbelly | Anxiety Despair Languish
15. Helrunar | Das Heilge Feuer | Gratr
16. Ulver | Soelen Gaaer Bag Aase Need | Bergtatt
17. Disfiguring the Goddess | Circle of Nine | Circle of Nine
18. Bloodhorse | Paranoiac | Horizoner
19. Leviathan | A Veil Is Lifted | Scar Sighted
20. Red Fang | Night Destroyer | Red Fang
21. Cult Leader | True Zero | Searching for Zero

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