starring Dr. Hal !
January 25, 2019 10:00pm


Ask Dr Hal
...AND PLENTY MORE. The poetry of Dylan Thomas, the music of Robin Coomer and Sam Bass as Loop! Station, reports from the field of SubGenius activities, including first word on the reception of The SubGenius (Documentary) Movie. Edward Lear's "The Jumblies." Archival Material from times past. A venomous rant by Mr. Francis E. Dec. "Monsters Attack Jerry Lewis!" Robert Heinlein's "All You Zombies" retold. And still more. Eventually, Puzzling Evidence, and later (around Midnight) KrOB, visit the show-- but we expend great effort to keep from turning into Nose Hair Lint Gland, and eventually do bring the peripatetic duo from the ensorcelment of their glowing screens to speak, actually speak, into the microphones. Later, from the realm of Current Events, President Don Drumpf makes a special announcement. So, we prevailed! Yes, the Kisi App dingfutzer failed, but we achieved entrance anyway. Onward!

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