starring Dr. Hal !
June 7, 2019 10:00pm


Ask Dr Hal

Ni chanz d'auzelh ni flors de glaya--
Non es que m·playa
Pros domna glaya
Tro qu'un ysnelh messatgier aya!
Del vostre belh cors, que·m retraya
Plazer novelh qu'amors m'atraya
E jaya
E·m traya
Vas vos, domna veraya;
E chaya
De playa
Ia-l gelos, ans que·m n'estraya!

Ma belh'amia,
Per Dieu no sia,
Que ia·l gelos de mon dan ria;
Que car vendria
Sa gelozia
Si aitals dos amans partia;
Qu'ieu ja joyos mais no seria
No jois ses vos pro no·m tenria;
Tal via
Qu'om ia mais no·m veiria;
Selh dia
Donna pros, qu'ieu·s perdria!

We played this popular song from long ago (about 1200 A.D.), written by the Provencal Troubador, Raimbaut de Vaqueiras (1180 – 1207), who later in his life was knighted. Sir Raimbaut left the Italian courts in 1203, when he joined the Fourth Crusade. He was killed in an ambush on September 4th, 1207 Anno Domini, along with his friend Boniface I of Montferrat, with whom he served in battle against the communes of Asti and Alessandria. Raimbaut claimed he earned his knighthood through protecting Boniface with his shield in battle at Messina, when they took part in Emperor Henry VI's invasion of Sicily. He was present at the siege and capture of Constantinople in 1204, and then accompanied Boniface to Thessalonica. This type of song is called an estampida. We also have more of Phineas Narco's classic mixes, and played some of the late Robbie Basho's ultra-rare album Zarthus (as in Zarathustra). The voice of Robin Coomer and the cello playing of Sam Bass, and various poetic recitations of varying fidelity bring us to a later moment when Puzzling Evidence enters. Then... well, then KrOB comes in and the show metamorphoses utterly.

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