starring Dr. Hal !
February 14, 2020 10:00pm


Ask Dr Hal
OF COURSE IT'S A RE-RUN. The ongoing Search For A New Studio still has not turned up anything, or at least anything agreeable to all (contentious) participants. No studio, no show-- that's the way it works for us. Without the physical existence of an equipped studio, this show can't be put out. While they argue and move toward a location which may be extraordinarily difficult for us to use, Time stretches on, and... we can feel the audience disconnecting, disappearing. Goodbye, audience! We hope, perhaps, to build you up again. Thanks for your former support, yet we know you have but human patience. Also and nearly equally grievous to us at Ask Dr. Hal! is the inferior bit-rate at which these re-runs are presented. If only it were better. There was a movement toward improving it, but we hear that it has now "fallen through." We hold on to a small hope that someone "out there" will still actually listen in, in spite of this degraded sound quality. We have been broadcasting on Reloadio these Friday nights, but there's no accessing those files from here. It hasn't been the Ask Dr. Hal! Show anyway. This re-run episode: A discussion of the edibility of the archosaurian, perhaps dinosaurian archaic reptile Saltopus elginensis. For those interested, scroll down to the Notes for Episode #2019, originally podcast May 17th, 2019, for the mouth-watering recipe.

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