starring Dr. Hal !
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January 11, 2013 10:00pm


Ask Dr Hal
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Uranium, a voluptuous element with really big atoms, is perfect for atom splitting because her strong force, though powerful, is relatively weak compared to other elements. Nuclear reactors use a particular isotope, lovely Uranium-235. The much-in-demand Uranium-235 doesn't appear often in a state of Nature; the ore from Uranium mines only contains about 0.7 percent U-235. That's why reactors make use of statuesque enriched Uranium, created by separating and concentrating the elusive element through a gas diffusion process. But you don't want to be around when she "goes off," no sir.
Better be safe at home listening to the Ask Dr. Hal! Show on Radio Valencia.

Chatroom History
January 11, 2013 10:00pm - 1:30am

Dr. Penny: The headphone plugs opposite of the boards are wonky. (10:30pm)
Dr. Penny: at least a couple of them as I recall (10:30pm)
honkey kong: per favore aiutatemi per favore - non riesco a sentire il mio cane morto che sta mangiando la televisione - ti prego per il vostro aiuto in questa situazione triste Bing Translation please help me please -- I cannot hear you on my dead dog that is eating the television -- I beg for your assistance in this sad situation (10:36pm)
honkey kong: I beg for your assistance in this sad situation (10:37pm)
Dr. Penny: Those were beautiful Rusty! (10:38pm)
honkey kong: what poignant proesy gasp yawn excuse me (10:38pm)
honkey kong: help I'm a poem please read me (10:39pm)
e_yazel: graves better than wallace, EH?? (10:40pm)
e_yazel: well, I cannot be sure of that. (10:40pm)
e_yazel: I mean graves better than stevens? s you've claimed, Rusty? Hm? Hm? Eh? (10:41pm)
honkey kong: az by cx dw ev fu gt hs ir jq kp lo mn (10:44pm)
Dr. Penny: Hal knows all about business, especially with his Course in Success in Sex and Real Estate. (10:44pm)
honkey kong: now available @ (10:45pm)
honkey kong: also available as a free bitorrent download @ (10:47pm)
honkey kong: screw you you human blob (10:47pm)
honkey kong: please pry my cold dead gun from my hot bare arms (10:49pm)
honkey kong: super gigantic model thing sex assassination laugh (10:52pm)
sleeplisten: funereal feral squirrel scat (10:55pm)
sleeplisten: You are just too too hinky -- more tinky please -- In the bowels of Dobbs, I beseech thee ! (10:57pm)
::::::::: i can hardly hear rusty over the screeching music (10:57pm)
sleeplisten: circumcise krob again (10:58pm)
gnose: Ciao dottore Hal Robins il mio nome è lesione io sono un demone e voglio difetto alla tua Chiesa l'aiuto SubGenius me per favore ---- Hello Doctor Hal Robins my name is Lesion I am a daemon and I want to defect to your Church of the SubGeniushelp me please (11:10pm)
Dr. Penny: "Bob" condones guns, particularly in the hands of the Fightin' Jesus and on the decks of the Xist saucers. (11:17pm)
Clem McCoy: You goddam commie sukkas -- budda budda takka takka vip ping pow mofo (11:19pm)
Clem McCoy: Im not listening not listening not listening (11:21pm)
Clem McCoy: Im not watching not watching not watching (11:22pm)
Clem McCoy: IM not talking to you talking to youtalking to you (11:22pm)
Dr. Penny: You could put one of those bathroom quarter locks on the frig door! (11:26pm)
Dr. Penny: Raking in big money from all them quaters. (11:27pm)

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