Chatroom History
April 8, 2016 10:00pm - 10:30pm

DrPantz: Oh B B B Boy (10:00pm)
DrPantz: The time draws incredibly fucking nigh! (10:00pm)
DrPantz: The (10:00pm)
DrPantz: ASK (10:00pm)
DrPantz: DR (10:00pm)
DrPantz: HAL (10:00pm)
DrPantz: SHOW (10:01pm)
DrPantz: right on the HOUR (10:01pm)
DrPantz: nice (10:02pm)
Dr. Penny: Yes, The Ask Dr. Hal Show has arrived once again!!!!!! (10:06pm)
DrPantz: Greetings Dr Penny (10:06pm)
DrPantz: glad to see you (10:07pm)
DrPantz: great leadoff stuff man, this (10:08pm)
Rev. Bitwise: If Puzzling Evidence will be in, I would love to hear what he thinks about this article about how navies are obsolete. (10:08pm)
Rev. Bitwise: (10:08pm)
Dr. Penny: Yes, greetings to you too! (10:08pm)
Rev. Bitwise: Ahoy hoy. (10:08pm)
DrPantz: Sooo glad I could make it live tonight (10:08pm)
DrPantz: right on, nice to meet you Rev. Bitwise (10:08pm)
Rev. Bitwise: Nice to meet you. (10:09pm)
Rev. Bitwise: What is this clip from? (10:09pm)
DrPantz: the only downside is that when i catch them live it's because i am going to be pulling an all nighter (10:09pm)
DrPantz: keeleng it! (10:09pm)
DrPantz: Praise "Bob" (10:10pm)
DrPantz: this is audio blotter (10:10pm)
Rev. Bitwise: Man, the chat box ate two comments (10:12pm)
DrPantz: indeed (10:13pm)
DrPantz: it's a greedy little sentence eater, with no rhyme or reason as far as i can tell (10:13pm)
Rev. Bitwise: This is awful, how is this client this bad? (10:14pm)
DrPantz: not sure, but it does seem to be particular (10:15pm)
Rev. Bitwise: Am I using a special character the code isn't sanitizing? (10:15pm)
Rev. Bitwise: No, these are all fine. (10:15pm)
DrPantz: i thought it was special character too (10:16pm)
DrPantz: but it doesn't seem to be that (10:16pm)
DrPantz: i tried to type the word "killer" the other day and chatterbox ate it every time (10:17pm)
Rev. Bitwise: Anyway, Dr. Hal is quite right, talk of the technical difficulties is tiresome (10:17pm)
DrPantz: and tonight, not a problem (10:17pm)
DrPantz: when i first stasrted listenign to Hal regularly a few years back (10:17pm)
Rev. Bitwise: I don't have to get up with my kid overnight on Fridays (10:17pm)
DrPantz: every episode started with him having technical difficulties (10:17pm)
DrPantz: and then pete goldie would end up coming in (10:18pm)
Rev. Bitwise: So for me this is the opposite of an all nighter (10:18pm)
DrPantz: at first i thought it was real, then i think it was schtick (10:18pm)
DrPantz: how old is your kid? (10:18pm)
Rev. Bitwise: That's one of the great joys of Subgenius radio (10:18pm)
Rev. Bitwise: 7 mos. (10:18pm)
DrPantz: awww, you gotta little guy (10:18pm)
Rev. Bitwise: He's been sleeping through the night pretty well (10:18pm)
DrPantz: nice (10:18pm)
Rev. Bitwise: For about 2 months, we've been very fortunate (10:18pm)
DrPantz: indeed (10:19pm)
DrPantz: i was on night duty and my wife was on early morning duty, it worked fine for our work schedules at the time (10:19pm)
DrPantz: and i like babies, and especially the night feedings (10:19pm)
Rev. Bitwise: I stay home and work part time (10:19pm)
Rev. Bitwise: So my wife gives me one day off a week (10:19pm)
DrPantz: i also liked night feedings because i could play Diablo and Half-Life at the same time (10:20pm)
Rev. Bitwise: Shit, I just can't do real-time games like that (10:21pm)
Rev. Bitwise: I really only enjoy turn-based games (10:21pm)
DrPantz: like Baldur's Gate? (10:21pm)
Rev. Bitwise: Wait, how did you play video games and feed your kid at the same time? (10:22pm)
DrPantz: holding her (10:22pm)
DrPantz: and then they grab the bottle themselves (10:22pm)
Rev. Bitwise: Oh, gotcha. Yeah, he's already trying (10:22pm)
DrPantz: diablo is a one handed game (10:22pm)
DrPantz: that's all I reall played (10:23pm)
Rev. Bitwise: He pushes it away and then gets confused (10:23pm)
DrPantz: i said Half Life to pay homage to Dr Hal (10:23pm)
Rev. Bitwise: It reminds me of the Bill Hicks bit about the guys who confront him after a show (10:23pm)
DrPantz: i was playing Half Life then, but not at night feedings, that was Diablo runs, and the catacombs and the caverns never got old (10:23pm)
DrPantz: i don't know that Bit (10:23pm)
DrPantz: i will haver to check it out (10:24pm)
Rev. Bitwise: Oh, just a line out of it, he talks about the guy who pushes him and shouts "Come here!" (10:24pm)
Rev. Bitwise: "Not a physics major" (10:24pm)
Dr. Penny: No Fabreeze in the space station aye. (10:27pm)
Rev. Bitwise: oh this is a great story (10:28pm)