Chatroom History
June 22, 2017 6:00pm - 6:30pm

vj pussycat: thx fassbinder. glad i was able to get that channeled msg transcribed. it is my appreciation. (6:01pm)
vj pussycat: and please note, i am no candy coater (6:03pm)
Dial-a-Shot: Right on. I try to learn a little something every time I'm on air. Thanks for checking it out. (6:04pm)
Dial-a-Shot: No room for candy coating in this world. (6:04pm)
vj pussycat: absolutely and it's great that you're on mondays but maybe moreso, love your robo interceptions (6:06pm)
Dial-a-Shot: Mondays have been great! I love my robo jump-ons. SO fun! (6:13pm)
vj pussycat: there's a lot to be said for spontaneity and live human interaction, much less with such shared music taste (6:19pm)