Chatroom History
September 10, 2017 6:00pm - 6:30pm

Erik: Howdy folks (6:01pm)
scot: this part poundz (6:05pm)
!!!: I watched the 1st episode of Deuce on On Demand last night, and they somehow made 70s porn boring. (6:10pm)
Long Time Listener: is david lynch the poor man's kubrick? (6:13pm)
CumsALive: hello all (6:19pm)
MURPHAY!: Scot your TM word is poundz (6:22pm)
scot: I'd switch to "slaps" but I don't know if I use it right. (6:26pm)
Cory: hihi (6:27pm)
scot: does the marilyn manson version of "sweet dreams" play anytime the twizzo clown sneaks up? (6:29pm)