Chatroom History
May 13, 2020 12:00am - 12:30am

Metaskeptik: Say Hi! (12:12am)
breakpoint: Bleah! Greetings. Windows went all updatey on me, just got done. Greetings! (12:20am)
Metaskeptik: Hey dude (12:20am)
Metaskeptik: Sorry I missed you show (12:21am)
Metaskeptik: fell asleep early (12:21am)
Metaskeptik: which is weird (12:21am)
breakpoint: oh man, fear not (12:21am)
Metaskeptik: as everything is now (12:21am)
breakpoint: it was a train wreck (12:21am)
breakpoint: I mean, it actually came off okay, from what I can tell; minor gaff with a track skid (12:21am)
breakpoint: but it felt like a total mess lol (12:21am)
breakpoint: and I accidentally played a SUPER lame track as my opener... and it was looooooong (12:22am)
breakpoint: So yeah, thank you for missing the appropriate show =] (12:22am)
Metaskeptik: so it goes (12:22am)
breakpoint: so it goes! (12:22am)
breakpoint: this is sounding good (12:23am)
breakpoint: I'm glad you're on tonight, I've been in a funk and this is a good antiote (12:23am)
breakpoint: antidote even, heavens. (12:23am)
breakpoint: it's a shame those guys are such pricks, they really can play (12:25am)
Metaskeptik: Whiskey and a mic... (12:25am)
Metaskeptik: true (12:25am)
breakpoint: Whiskey is what I should be drinking (12:25am)
breakpoint: I bought one of those teensy flavored vodka bottles on a lark (12:26am)
breakpoint: this one is labeled "espresso" (12:26am)
breakpoint: it should say, "airline coffee dysentery hershey squirts" (12:26am)
breakpoint: you know what, fuck this, this was a dollar, I'm calling combat loss on this shit (12:27am)
breakpoint: Oh, most excellent (12:28am)
breakpoint: There we go. Primus, and a 12 year old Glen Ness. Much better. (12:29am)
breakpoint: "Our band's name is Primus, and we SUCK." (12:29am)