Conflux Cornucopia Cerebellum Cocktail Episode #028: An Evening with Dizzy Twin
Friday, February 11, 10pm
– thealchemist

Conflux Cornucopia Cerebellum Cocktail Hour: Episode #028: An Evening with Dizzy Twin: Mia d’Bruzzi and Paul Simmans join the Alchemist in studio for some witty banter, stories, a few yuks, and to play some great tunes.
Set List:
1. Leonard by M.I.R.V. from Dancing Naked in a Minefield
2. Pavlov’s Palace by Dizzy Twin from Kaleidoscope
3. Alchemist Swing Montage (including:)
a. Minor Swing by Django Reinhardt
b. Magician Looks into the Future by Andy Tillson from Beardfish album The Void
c. Hu are Yu, Yu are Mi…what? from the movie Rush Hour with Chris Tucker, Henry O, Oanh Ngyuen and Jackie Chan.
d. What! From Toy Story featuring Tom Hanks
e. Suhmassshh by The Bob Lazar Story from Ghost of Foodstool
f. Big Rubbery One from the Fight Club featuring Edward Norton
g. Lermaninoff by Primus from Primus and the Chocolate Factory
h. Symbology from Boon Dock Saints featuring Willem Dafoe, Brian Mahoney and David Ferry
i. Say My Name from Breaking Bad featuring Bryan Cranston
4. Chlorodyne by Dizzy Twin from Empire
5. Crazy World by Frightwig from Hit Return EP
6. A Man’s Gotta Do What a Man’s Gotta Do by Frightwig from Hit Return EP
7. Lovely Head by Goldfrapp from Felt Mountain
8. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi by Radiohead from In Rainbows
9. Down is the New Up by Radiohead from in Rainbows Disk 2
10. Throwing Rocks by Mudwimmin from Mudwimmin
11. Clerkenwell Polka by Madness from The Liberty of Norton Folgate
12. Ball and Chain by Big Brother and the Holding Company from Cheap Thrills
13. He’s the Keeper of the Fire by Buffy Saint Marie from Illuminations
14. Astral Sabbat by Jess and the Ancient Ones from Astral Sabbat EP
15. The Vanishing by Dizzy Twin from Kaleidoscope