Hell’s Kitchen Radio #437: I’m Your DJ
Wednesday, May 19, 4pm
– John Hell

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There are times that I really want to send a sternly written letter to some commercial radio station, reminding them of the disservice they are doing to their listeners. It’s almost as if they are some junkie pushing tainted drugs. The user doesn’t even know there are quality drugs down to the left end of town (or in most cases left end of the dial). In this case on the left end of the internet.
But why write a letter when I can just share this show, right? Should I send this show off to the program directors of the top commercial stations so they can see how much better they can be (that sounds pretty egotistical, and I didn’t even need to reread it), or shall I just go to where their listeners hang out and offer them a better bang for the buck.
Allow me to bang you. Bang you all.
It was tax day on Monday, so there are a few tunes that fit some kind of money theme, but other than that, I’m all over the place in a good way. I even improvise a bit more than usual and through in the 23 minute epic, “Echoes”, by Pink Floyd. It’s the greatest version you have ever heard. Tune in to find out why. I’m also falling in love with Mike Krol. This guy…sheesh!
I’ve been pulling out a number of anniversary box sets lately. CSN&Y, Ray Charles, The Who. I have new Ty Segall later in the show that will kick your ass. And that’s what you want in a radio station, shows that will kick your ass in ways you didn’t know you needed.
Radio Valencia is here to kick your ass in all the best ways.
Hell’s Kitchen Radio with John Hell
Mondays 8-10PM
Radio Valencia in SF
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Taxman: The Beatles
Snow Day: Mike Krol
Kill The Poor: Dead Kennedys
Life Is Cheap: Flipper
Free Money: Patti Smith
Mason’s Children: Henry Kaiser
Millionaires Blues: Hip Lankchan
Nobody Knows You When You’re Down and Out: Derek and the Dominos
Greenbacks: Ray Charles
Hours of Wealth: Opeth
Echoes: Pink Floyd
I’m Your Man: Mark Growden
Untitled: Mike Krol
I Wish I Was In New Orleans: Tom Waits
Tattoo Zero: Tomahawk
Sleeper: Ty Segall and the Freedom Band
If I’m In Luck I Might Get Picked Up: Betty Davis
Almost Cut My Hair [demo]: Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young
Never Learn To Love: Psychic Ills
Mary Anne With The Shaky Hand [Take 1 and Take 9]: The Who