Hosted by The Girl Next Door
The Metal Asylum: 11/29/14
November 29, 2014 12:00pm


The Metal Asylum
The Metal Asylum: 11/29/14
1. Emperor | Al Svartr (The Oath) | Anthems to the Welkin At Dusk
2. Emperor | Ye Entrancemperium | Anthems to the Welkin At Dusk
3. Woe | A Treatise On Control | Quietly, Undramatically
4. Oranssi Pazuzu | Olen Aukaissut Uuden Silmän | Valonielu
5. Beherit | Pagan Moon | Engram
6. Immortal | The Call of the Wintermoon | Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism
7. The Ruins Of Beverast | Daemon | Blood Vaults
8. Portal | Larvae | Swarth
9. Full of Hell | High Fells | Full of Hell & Merzbow
10. Ovid’s Withering | Murder to Dissect | Scryers of the Ibis
11. Cloudkicker | Subsume Part 2 | Live with Intronaut
12. Abysmal Dawn | The Inevitable Return to Darkness | Obsolescence
13. Depths | Eradication | Revelation
14. Cryogen | Exit Strategy | Continuum
15. Postmortem | Among the Dead | The Bowls of Wrath
16. Science of Sleep | Whitnesses | Exhaust
17. Aversions Crown | Vectors | Tyrant
18. Make Them Suffer | Lord Of Woe | Lord Of Woe
19. White Widows | Collateral Damage | White Widows - EP
20. Wayfarer | A Place Among Stars | Children of the Iron Age
21. Primordial | The Seed of Tyrants | Where Greater Men Have Fallen

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