Four hours of pan-idiomatic musical explorations, emphasizing the left-field & obscure and dedicated to derailing the shackles of rational thought.
The Backwards Music Station
November 17, 2011 10:00pm


Mind Train
The Backwards Music Station


eugaeL namuH - delioB gnieB - noitcudorpeR

kroW tA neM - ynnhoJ dooG eB - lausU sA ssenisuB
ruoF fO gnaG - mrofinU A nI naM a evoL I - !tnemniatretnE
sruF ciledehcysP - yaW yM evoL - woN reveroF
tellaB uadnapS - eurT - eurT
srennuR thgindiM s'yxeD - neeliE nO emoC - yA-eyR-ooT
sweN ehT dnA siweL yeuH - erauqS eB oT piH - !eroF
elsilraC adnileB - dnaS ehT nI elcriC - htraE nO nevaeH
CBA - evoL fO kooL ehT - evoL fO nocixeL ehT
!mahW - repsihW sseleraC - giB tI ekaM

doowylloH oT seoG eiknarF - xaleR - emoderusaelP ehT oT emocleW
elbisneS niatpaC - toW - tsriF sniatpaC dnA nemoW
bulC erutluC - noelemahC amraK - srebmuN yB ruoloC
annodaM - traeH ruoY nepO - eulB eurT
sniwT nospmohT - evoL fO emaN ehT nI - teS
selgnaB - naitpygE nA ekiL klaW - thgiL tnereffiD
eciloP - ennaxoR - ruomA'D sodnaltuO
04BU - eniW deR deR - evoL fO ruobaL
segamI deretlA - yadhtriB yppaH - yadhtriB yppaH

derdnuH enO tucriaH - )lriG steeM yoB( strihS etiruovaF - tseW nacileP
hcivoL eneL - rebmuN ykcuL - sseletatS
tnarG yddE - eunevA cirtcelE - egapmaR ehT nO relliK
srelgnartS - peeD nikS - erutplucS laruA
xovartlU - seyE yM nI sraeT htiW gnicnaD - tnemaL
gnuhC gnaW - syaD llaH ecnaD - evruC ehT nO stnioP
oodooV fO llaW - oidaR nacixeM - tseW ehT fO llaC

aneN - snoollaB deR 99 - snollabtfuL 99

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