Mobius Strip(Mall): Fates of tenants & small business inseparable
August 15, 2013 4:00pm


Tenant Rights Radio
Mobius Strip(Mall): Fates of tenants & small business inseparable
Which comes first, the Yupscaling of commercial rentals or the gentrification of residential ones? How does each play into the other? Andy Blue of the Community Coalition joins Pirate Jenny on Tenants Rights Radio to discuss why the campaign to keep Jack Spade and other "formula retail" (chain stores) out of San Francisco matters to your tenancy, and why residential and small commercial renters are finding common cause. We can stop the chicken-and-egg riddle from being answered, Doesn't matter, they both got squashed under that Hummer's wheels.

[Theme song: The Lord Giveth (and the Landlord Taketh Away) - Scott Cook]
Dunnes Stores - Christy Moore
Baba Says Cool For Thought - Lupe Fiasco
We Don't Want The Poor In New York City - The Undead
Combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell - Das Racist
The New Restaurant- Malvina Reynolds
Green Hills Mall - Andy Gullahorn
Bird On A Wire [not the Leonard Cohen song!] - Reckless Kelly

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