The sound of giving a high five. Thursday: 8am to 10am Pacific on Radio Valencia
Ep021: Steve Albini (Shellac, Big Black, Engineer)
September 4, 2014 8:00am


Conan Neutrons Protonic Reversal
Ep021: Steve Albini (Shellac, Big Black, Engineer)
We speak with the one and only Steve Albini... it is pretty cool. Also a recap of the Drive Like Jehu reunion. Then PR speaks to Steve about: Radio stations and ambient noise, Hearing the character of the neighborhood in the show, being a punk rock guru and answering questions, John Grabski III and the story of Teeth: a man with cancer who made the record he always wanted to make. That just so happened to be about his fight with cancer, the second Teeth record, The self policing PRF (Electrical Audio Forum), service industry, Spotify/Sleepify, pay to stream models, instant availability and constant present tense, the democratization of distribution, the statistical unlikeliness of a good band from Florida, finding an audience post-mortem, "classic DATs", a typical Steve Albini day. work, sleep, wife and a few indulgences. longevity vs. productivity, DUDE INCREDIBLE, if the process is so slow, why not put out singles?, The people's microphone, the song and concept. Surveyors. working knowledge of the land. The End of Radio - explained, perspective and evolution, younger generations, retrospection, etc. Nina Nastasia, listener fatigue from engineering, Cigar Aficionado and Guitar Aficionado magazines, heated walkways, Don't quit.

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