Chromatic Aberrations
Chromatic Aberrations 27:Burning Man,Tragic Man-A Fable In Sound
August 24, 2012 12:00am


Chromatic Aberrations
Chromatic Aberrations 27:Burning Man,Tragic Man-A Fable In Sound
The NHLG Simulcast was a great start,but a lot of important information was overlooked,or best forgotten.Chromatic Aberrations did not let Burning Man rest until he had been flogged and dragged through the dust once more.Tonight Chromatic Aberrations continued to divulge the secrets of the Burning Man code of ethics in an audio journey into the nether regions of the BMorg.Enter if you dare.There is no helpful information presented here,just a bunch of fabrications and slander.

Chromatic Abberation I by The Floating World from Apparition

Burning Man Indoctrination Audio by Curmudge and a cast of 70,000 from Live Audio Collage

Goodbye by People Like Us & Wobbly from Songs For The Fire

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