Hell’s Kitchen Radio #442: Looking Right Through You
Wednesday, June 30, 10am
– John Hell

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I’m really feeling this new studio of ours. It’s like I’ve grown wings! I’m giddy, I tell ya! GIDDY! Another diverse show, full of multiple genres that might just give you whiplash. But it’s the kind of pain that you like. You like pain, right?
Joni Mitchell released “Blue” 50 years ago, so you know I have to celebrate the genius of Joni. There’s new music from Mr. Bungle, and Paul Leary of the Butthole Surfers. I also have a set focused on my new obsession, The Fall. Seriously, what took me so long?
There punk, blues, synth-cumbia, underground hip-hop, stoner metal, and The Beatles! This is why you tune in to Radio Valencia.
Speaking of Radio Valencia, if you live in or near San Francisco, we’re looking for a few good show hosts.
Have you ever said to yourself “I can program a better radio show than that idiot”. If so, then Radio Valencia may be right for you! We are a freeform internet radio station located in the heart of the Mission District, with a storefront location looking for music lovers like yourself, who want to host a two hour show once a week.
No radio experience is necessary. Hire for personality, train for skill.
Take a look at the home page at http://radiovalencia.fm and click on the “Contact Us” link half way down on the right side of the page. Let us know what you want to do and we’ll be in touch faster than it takes to segue from one Minutemen song to the next.
Hell’s Kitchen Radio with John Hell
Mondays 8-10PM
Radio Valencia in SF
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The Light, The Sound: Flipper
I Will Not Be Your Fool: David Bromberg
All I Want: Joni Mitchell
Raid: MF Doom & Madlib
Truckin’: Pop O Pies
Mathematics: Mr. Bungle
South: Specimen Box
U.S. 80s – 90s: The Fall
Glitter Freeze: Gorrilaz
Mr. Pharmacist: The Other Half
Verdugos De Abastos: Grupo Jejeje
Just A Dream Away: Wipers
Buzzin’ Fly: Tim Buckley
Spit in the Eye: Heavy Blanket
Blue Jay Way: The Beatles
Mohawk Town: Paul Leary
Citadel: A/lpaca
Whiskey and Women: John Lee Hooker and Canned Heat
Zed the Mythical Goat: Bazooka
Somebody’s Fishin’ In My Kitchen: Hip Lankchan