Weekly review of forgotten slabs with Mitsu and Luca
Showing podcasts 1 to 20 of 70 NEXT
Two Moon Junction
February 7, 2025 6:00pm
We kick off our "lover's quarrel" month with the one, the only, the king of erotic dramas, Zalman King. Special guest Nicolá joins us in the studio to discuss his guest pick as we go over King's ouevre, why exactly drinking pint glasses of cold milk could be seen as sexy and the boys make a good case for why Koopa is the most sexually repressed person in the studio.
Ginger Snaps / Bubba Ho-tep
January 10, 2025 6:00pm
First and foremost, if you want to support Cheeto (who composed our amazing theme song) and his family - please consider donating to their gofund.me : https://gofund.me/c040a32d
Love to all the people in LA who lost their homes or are displaced by these fires.
Here are some light musings on Elvis, mummies, werewolf teens, and Canadians, to take your mind off all this shit.
Love to all the people in LA who lost their homes or are displaced by these fires.
Here are some light musings on Elvis, mummies, werewolf teens, and Canadians, to take your mind off all this shit.
Santa's Slay
December 13, 2024 6:00pm
Dear Basement listeners - boy are we happy to be back for 1 final holiday episode. We missed you and are grateful for you but sometimes life hits you with a snow shovel and you gotta take a little break.
Not only do we discuss Santa's Slay, the 2006 chistma-tastrophe, but we bust out the wrapping paper and tie up 2024 in a neat little bow, and by that I mean a top 5, followed by a take down of the worst movies of the year. Joined by PissMa live in the studio, as well as Canadaman, Suzanne Sontag, Cheeto and very special guest Billy Bob Thornton in the chat.
Not only do we discuss Santa's Slay, the 2006 chistma-tastrophe, but we bust out the wrapping paper and tie up 2024 in a neat little bow, and by that I mean a top 5, followed by a take down of the worst movies of the year. Joined by PissMa live in the studio, as well as Canadaman, Suzanne Sontag, Cheeto and very special guest Billy Bob Thornton in the chat.
Basement Radio x Neon Shrines 2024 Holiday Special
November 15, 2024 6:00pm
Our very first Basement Radio x Neon Shrine crossover holiday special and what a drunken night of debauchery it was. We mainly discuss how hallmark movies and pornography are basically the same thing. Special guests Jojo, JB, Jon, Cojo and Mac join Koopa and Mitsu.
The Rules of Attraction
September 27, 2024 6:00pm
We put together this show with Final Cut Pro so please excuse the buzzing sound which is louder than usual. Joined in the studio by Stephanie, CoJo, Jojo and Peter (Peter the Freshman), we discuss why exactly Roger Avary's The Rules of Attraction is such an unpleasant viewing experience, concluding our disaffected youth month with perhaps the most tasteless entry. You're welcome.
September 20, 2024 6:00pm
The skateboarding, glue-huffing, tap-dancing, cat-poaching enigma that is Harmony Korine is not for everyone, but we think Gummo is worth talking about, or maybe around. Thanks to the chat for heckling us. You are the wing beneath our wings.
September 6, 2024 6:00pm
The first installment in our disaffected youth series, Nowhere is a 1997 film by Gregg Araki. Joined by PissMa and Ross from the North Bay, we basically talk about how much we love this film and how Gregg Araki deserves all of the respect he gets, and even more, on the eve of his Criterion release and retrospective at BAM/PFA. Long live the Doomed Generation!
Child's Play
August 30, 2024 6:00pm
Hiii!!!! My name's Koopa. Let's be friends til the end. Mitsu and I talk about dolls filled with blood, the cabbage patch riots, how children want to be treated like adults and what happens when there are too many cooks in the kitchen - magic!
Street Trash
August 23, 2024 6:00pm
We talk briefly about Street Trash, but broadly about exploitation, melt-movies, what are bodies look like on the inside and the dissolution of social boundaries. Joined by PissMa and JoJo.
Body Melt
August 16, 2024 6:00pm
Mitsu mostly goes on about fighting animals as we try to dissect the 1993 ozploitation film Body Melt, directed by Philip Brophy.
The Stuff
August 9, 2024 6:00pm
PissMa and MegaDave join us in the studio to gorge ourselves on Larry Cohen's The Stuff. Another 2 hours well spent discussing if Patrick O'Neal is Shaq's father, whether or not it is safe to drink expired soda, and trying to remember the last line Jason delivers in this movie. It's the stuff that dreams are made of.
July 26, 2024 6:00pm
Step in to the light exposition, flashback ridden, science-less science fiction of Albert Pyun's Cyborg. Joined by Piss-Ma live in the studio, as well as JCVD's official rep in the chat box, Mitsu and Koopa discuss how it is possible to consume 10,000 worth of cocaine a week in the 1980s, as well as dive in to the rich tapestry that is christian grind-gore core.
July 5, 2024 6:00pm
Your buoyant hosts are joined by JustSarah and PissMa to discuss the 1995 eco-apocalyptic amusement park ride Fish Dad, ah I mean, Gentleman Guppy, erm I mean, Waterworld. One word. Waterworld. Is this a good movie? Where is dry land? Should we get lower back tattoos? And perhaps the most important question of all, has Mitsu ever been inside the water?
1990: The Bronx Warriors (1990: I guerrieri del Bronx)
June 21, 2024 6:00pm
Mitsu has the VID and I don't mean VIDEO, so PissMa and Sontag join me (Koopa) in the studio to discuss Enzo Castellari's antipasto-apocalypse genre film - 1990: The Bronx Warriors, released in 1982. This film has so much going on. From all the characters being named by your 5th grade mind - Trash, Ice, Golem, Ogre, Witch - to Fred Williamson and Vic Morrow delivering pretty great performances, even when surrounded by absurdity.
Turbo Kid
June 14, 2024 5:00pm
We review the distressed t-shirt of post-apocalyptic movies to kick off our WASTELAND theme. Join your favorite voice jockeys as we discuss RKSS' Turbo Kid, released officially on VHS in 2015. Michael Ironside swallows his ego to star in this absolute piece of trash. It has some good gore though. Joined live in the studio by Piss-Ma, and with special call-in guests Shia LeBeouf and Drake.
The Deadly Spawn
June 7, 2024 6:00pm
Our first ever Basement movie night in a non-Basement space! Mitsu and I, or is it I and Mitsu, are still high from our screening of The Deadly Spawn at the 4star theater. But not as high as whatever these old ladies are smoking in this week's movie, making some of the most god-awful/god-fearing vegetarian food this veg has ever laid there eyes on. Honestly, it's more scary than the film. Joined briefly by Stella of Neon Shrines.
The Faculty
May 31, 2024 6:00pm
Come with us on a journey to 1998 as we indulge the KWill/RobRod 1998 joint - The Faculty. Why did they cut Kidada Jones out of this film? Is Stokely named after Stokely Carmichael who passed away the same year? Did the character of Zeke inspire Hartnett's next character Trip Fontaine in the Virgin Suicides. All questions we don't answer. Special guests Suzanne and Boney. Come to the 4star next week! Tuesday at 7pm! Tickets here: https://www.4-star-movies.com/calendar-of-events/secret-80s-horror-night-provided-by-the-basement-700-pm
April 19, 2024 6:00pm
Our hosts discuss the wonder that is Walken, with plenty of impressions of the Astoria-born actor playing an even-more-NY-er NY-er from Austin. That's Whitley Streiber, a writer who turned his real-life abduction experience into this strange film.
Killer Klowns from Outer Space
April 12, 2024 6:00pm
Hey Santa Cruz! Quit being so boring. Embrace these other-wordly visitors and abandon your puritanical ways! On this episode, your debaucherous hosts are joined by Stella and JoJo of Neon Shrines to talk all things "Klown" and why we are so scared of them. Something we never got to the bottom of though : Klowns with a K?
Of course, we are talking about Killer Klowns from Outer Space. Hilarity ensues.
Of course, we are talking about Killer Klowns from Outer Space. Hilarity ensues.
Funny Games
April 5, 2024 6:00pm
Boney and PissMA join us to talk about Michael Haneke's Funny Games, the 1997 one not the remake, which he also made, which is exactly the same so I guess we could be talking about that one as well. Like what is reality even? If we talk about something on the radio doesn't that make it real? Oh god, I hope not. What ein alptraum. Anyways, Haneke delivers a heavy handed critique of the bourgeoisie, but there are things to be gleaned from it, like whats happening off screen and how filmmaking can sometimes be about getting out of the way.
Showing podcasts 1 to 20 of 70 NEXT