Lemme Ask You A Question #9: Jose Antonio Vargas; Leah Mahan and Derrick Evans
May 31, 2014 10:00am


Lemme Ask You a Question
Lemme Ask You A Question #9: Jose Antonio Vargas; Leah Mahan and Derrick Evans
In this episode, I catch up with Pulitzer Prize winning journalist and documentary filmmaker Jose Antonio Vargas. We discuss his new film, "Documented," what it means to Define American and the consequences of wearing headphones while driving.

Full disclosure: Jose is an old friend of mine. We worked together at the San Francisco Chronicle in the early 2000s and motivated each other to move up from "copy boys" to staff writers. In fact, we were hired as reporters together on the very same day. Our careers, however, took slightly different paths. Jose went on to an incredible career with the Washington Post. I went on to be laid off and escorted out of the Chronicle building on three separate occasions (which I believe is still a record!) ;-)

My first job out of journalism was as manager of a day laborer center supporting mostly undocumented immigrants. So when I read the headline about Jose coming out as an "illegal immigrant," I was particularly moved by his story. I am extremely proud of Jose for his work in journalism -- and I support his stance on immigration 100 percent. I dream of a day when these two subjects are not mutually exclusive.

Jose is like the Morrissey of immigrant rights and reform - cutting through cultural institutions of traditional thought with wit, wisdom and dignity. I'll always think of Jose as like a "...Light That Will Never Go Out..." and that's exactly what this movement needs...

In hour two, my special guests are filmmaker Leah Mahan and educator Derrick Evans who stop by to discuss the film, "Come Hell Or High Water - The Battle For Turkey Creek." Shot in verite style, this film follows the tragic story of Evans, who who returns to his homestate of Mississippi where the graves of his ancestors have been bulldozed away to make room for a new "development." Derrick and Leah explore the depths of what it means to fight back and exactly how to measure this on film. Beautiful and tragic.

The film screens 7 p.m. tonight at the Roxie Theatre. Check it!

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