starring Dr. Hal !
December 23, 2022 10:00pm


Ask Dr Hal
THE HOLIDAY PLAYLIST OF THE GODS, or, The Possibly Penultimate Podcast of Ask Dr. Hal! (see below). Yes, along with the usual agglutination of quasi-scientific speculation, historical musing and cracker-barrel philosophy laced with Poetick Recitations, we offer some of the most amazing Christmas covers ever recorded, guaranteed. Hate the Xmas Music jive? Well, so do we, but here you find elaborations on some of the most banal, overplayed Holiday Goulash (too-)often heard through in-store speakers during the frantic, last minute buying competition of desperate Potlatch Lemmings elbowing each other to plunge over the cliff into financial insolvency-- elaborations so creative that they actually recreate the joy in music as the mind dissects out the underlying tunes. It's all from the late Mikl-M's playlist. Like the late Pete Goldie, Science Advisor to the now-dormant live Ask Dr. Hal! Show, Michael M. left the planet just before the Pandemic set in, and there have been no gatherings for either one, as would be fitting and proper; nor can there be until the specter of disease has been satisfactorily banished and "gathering" no longer equates with "super-spreader." A tip of the Holiday Fez to Mikl-em, as he oft styled himself. This is a solo show. No KrOB came in, despite the offered lure of Banana Juice. NEXT WEEK-- There's a Holiday Party we may go to, so the year's last show may be a re-run. Or, we may come in and supersede the re-run, if we leave the party soon enough. In any event, to all who have listened or may continue with us in the future, HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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