starring Dr. Hal !
February 10, 2023 10:00pm


Ask Dr Hal
ALONG WITH THE DETERIORATING EQUIPMENT at RV. As to the latter, we were not even able to play our introductory theme music. It's getting worse and worse, this dilapidated concatenation of contraptoids-- but we'll soldier on as long as we can... There is a Fundraiser for the station coming up in the Make-Out Room. That's February 26th, starting at Noon. Let's hope, if funds are raised in any meaningful way, that the Powers That Be devote any attention to the devices we need to continue this enterprise. And the former? Despite the attendance of Jett and KrOB, despite the presence of various refreshments including industrial strength Banana Soda, the film SHIN GODZILLA turned out to be an unexpected bore, worthy of but a snore. The dubbed soundtrack consisted principally of lengthy political and bureaucratic meetings, with side notes about modern Japan's relationship vis-a-vis the United States and the inherent ineptitude of political leaders. Folks, I'm making it sound more interesting than it was, which was not much-- to those anticipating rip-roaring Monster Movie action. You can't narrate what is essentially non-stop narration; trying to speak over continuous stultifying dialogue is a loser's game. Oh, the titular monster did make an appearance, let's just say that the magic didn't appear to happen. Although we did not show the announced co-feature ATTACK OF THE MUSHROOM PEOPLE, a.k.a. MATANGO, let alone BIG MAN JAPAN, those pictures may still get the Ask Dr. Hal! treatment-- after we have had a chance to reassemble our afflicted powers (to quote Satan appropriately). The next night the Reloadio session was (slightly) more lively. Well, nobody bats 1000. Remember: our Zoom/Twitch interactive show will be happening soon on March 19th at 6 PM Pacific Time (we're starting it early)! Join us there at

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