Art + Physics + Philosophy = Consciousness
S.C.R.E.A.M. for P.e.a.c.e. about Revolutionary Resolutions
January 13, 2014 10:00am


Scream for Peace
S.C.R.E.A.M. for P.e.a.c.e. about Revolutionary Resolutions
Join us this Monday for our first show of 2014! We will be discussing the coming year with expectations and our list of 10 resolutions, we as a people can make to take back our sovereignty and resist the New World Order.

Joining us will be special guest, San Francisco environmentalist, Jessica Tovar.

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Topics to include:

-West Virginia Freedom Industries and FEMA area 3.
-Modern Warfare in America Today
-Bay Are Environmentalism
-Art, Entertainment and Weapons of Mass Distraction
-Snowden's Snowjob
-Fukushima Coverup : Why our government lies.

Here are our top ten resolutions.

10. Cancel your cable T.V. It's not necessary and alters your consciousness towards the world view the elite want you to have.

9. Sell all of your stocks and invest in your local and regional communities.

8. Stop purchasing food and drink items manufactured by publicly traded companies.

7. Stop attending professional sporting events and connect to your local sporting communities.

6. Stop brushing your teeth with toothpaste that contains fluoride and decalsify your Pineal gland.

5. Plant organic fruits, vegetables and/or spices in your home and yard.

4. Educate yourself on so called 'Conspiracy Theories' and learn the history that is being hidden from you.

3. Store 30-90 days of food and water for emergencies.

2. Prepare a bug-out bag and have a plan for an emergency that requires you to abandon your home.

1. Join or start a community or local militia like.

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