We like foreign weird music, and weirder foreign stories. Join us in the eternal human pastime of deriving humor from The Other.
Sweaty Unpronounceable - Pièce dê Résîstàncè pt. 2
October 12, 2011 4:00pm


Radio Unpronounceable
Sweaty Unpronounceable - Pièce dê Résîstàncè pt. 2
Our best-produced episode yet, no doubt due to certain changes in the studio environment. This un-re-pre-recorded episode was quite fun to make. We got to sample many foreign delicacies such as Turkish coffee (from Ethiopia) and Lichtenstein pear pie (from the pears we bought).

This can be considered a follow-up, if you will, to last week's epic episode wherein we covered the world many times over. So big is the world (it turns out) that there wasn't room enough for such STORIES OF UNPRONOUNCEABILITY as:

* a polyglot dictionary entrepreneur/unicycling evangelist/space survivalist who is NOT Japanese
* solar panel factory closes after pollution protests
* familiy sedans used as stunt cars by spoiled rich a-holes (w/ video!)
* Ghana's problem with those pesky Wiccans
* Africa says "suck it up, whitey"
* filthy pollution is no problem, it's filthy brains which are
* crinkly aluminum foil!

To the delight of all, we have found time for some truly great MUSIC OF INCOMPREHENSION including:

* Eskimo throatsinging
* modern Russian electronic exotica
* African Jews -- yes really!
* Egyptian/Indian crossover psych jam sessions
* Jazz-io-pia
* Some plinky Indonesian shit
* non-traditional Eskimo throatsinging
* Cambodian classical rock revival
* Pakistani Bollywood (Lollywood)
* What is this? New Caledonia? I don't even know.
* Celtic Bagpipes Hip-Hop
* Inuit throatsinging
* Covers! Rape Me, Born To Be Wild, Delilah
* Middle East Drum 'n' Bass (actually good)
* Oh, look at that, some Eskimo throatsinging
* A really surprise birthday song

Fun trivia: the working title for this episode was "Some Weird Foreign Shit".

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