Interviews with Bay Area up-and-coming bands
On Baghdad by the Bay, May 17th, Interview with Ambience, Dangermaker, and Avengers
May 17, 2012 8:00pm


Baghdad by the Bay
On Baghdad by the Bay, May 17th, Interview with Ambience, Dangermaker, and Avengers
We’re a group of guys who love to make music. Sometimes we’re from San Francisco, and sometimes San Jose.. but its actually Cupertino

We came together in a garage in 2004. The awkward years taught us a lot and we emerged as a band called Ambience somewhere along the way. We like big epic jams and effects pedals, although sometimes its so much more satisfying to break it down with just naked, natural percussion.

Having complimentary strengths and weaknesses allows us to create the music we write. Knowing when a song is complete is also really important, whether it takes 3 minutes or 3 months. Songs are usually born in the studio for us, but they don’t mature until we perform them. You can really say that about any form of art though, its meant to be shared.

Dangermaker emerged from San Francisco, CA when singer/songwriter Adam Burnett unveiled a series of unfinished home demos to drummer Carlos Rodrigues. They collaborated to create edgier sounding songs than either had previously, resulting in a widely reviewed 5-track EP including the Owl Mag naming Dangermaker “One of my top 5 favorite Indie bands in the Bay Area”. However, the band was still an incomplete duo until bassist Peter Ruecktenwald rode his bike across the country to San Francisco and keyboardist David DeAngelis left the Arkansas Delta to see what the West Coast had to offer. While all four members began as complete strangers, they were brought together by a shared passion and need to create music reflective of their diverse backgrounds, tastes, and influences, a need that came to fruition when they went into Studio SQ to record “Black Dream” with producers John Flores and Justin Sachs.

“One of the first and finest bands to emerge from San Francisco’s punk scene & major inspiration in a scene that flourished long after they broke up. Singer Penelope Houston was one of the pioneering women of American punk.”
—Mark Deming Allmusic

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