Episode 7: Friends
June 3, 2012 6:00pm


Core Vida
Episode 7: Friends
DJ's Core Vida and Jesse Jackson play a bunch of songs by, for, and about friends.

The Little Prince (The Fox) - Richard Burton
Reach Out of The Darkness - Friend and Lover
Bookends - Simon and Garfunkel
Thinkin' Bout An Old Friend - Lightnin' Hopkins
You've Got A Friend - James Taylor for Jesse's Mom
In My Life - The Beatles for Core Vida's Mom
Dance To Your Daddy - Sweeney's Men for Core Vida's Dad
Buddy - BS2000
Trees Are My Friends - Sudden Infant for Joke Lanz
Tomita - Venus, The Bringer of Peace
Homies - Lighter Shade of Brown for Kristen Chappa
What Happened To You - Numbers
G-Force - G-Force Alliance for Gerritt Wittmer
Paul Revere - Beastie Boys
Miss Annabelle Lee - Rose Murphy for Bonnie Banks
New Friend - Shirley Q. Liquor
You Can Do It - Richard Simmons
Thank You For Being A Friend - Andrew Gold for Corydon Ronnau
With A Little Help From My Friends - Joe Cocker
My Life - Billy Joel
Caesar's Column (Liars Remix) - Oneida
Are Friends Electric? - Gary Numan
No Money=No Friends - Piter Pat
Aquarian - Sleep for Shannon Walter
Weary Soul - Mark Stoermer
Daa Nyinaa - Ata Kak for Cullen Camic
Positive People - Trans Am
Rammstein - Rammstein for Core Vida's sister
I Like The Way You Move - Outcast for Christina Appleberry
Do You Ever Feel Lonely - Ivor Cutler

PS: What is essential is invisible to the eye

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