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[show title]Hell's kitchen radio

[show slogan]Platters that Splatter all over your brain Matter


[number of episodes] 384 episodes
February 2, 2024 10:00pm


Ask Dr Hal
OR, FIRST USE of the New Equipment-- Forever-to-be-honored Friends of the Ask Dr. Hal! Show actually provided the very equipment we needed and have complained of lacking, when we were in despair after the station publicly announced they'd NOT replace the broken stuff in the RV Studio-- just to recap. Yes, Michael Cook of Tennessee and Dr. Penny of California (Pomona) both actually purchased and mailed us new CD decks! In this episode, rather like trying to ride an untamed horse for the first time, using these devices give a somewhat rocky start to the beginning of the program, all quite audibly... The Solons at RV had hooked them up, well, counter-intuitively, let us say. It was a stroke of divine mercy that KrOB appeared at just the right time to guide us through the Labyrinth and even re-wire to some degree the needed controls. Then, after you hear him giving the needed remedial instruction, you'll also hear a continuing collaborative presentation by KrOB, who remained with us for a full extra hour. Next week, er... it may go SLIGHTLY smoother...

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