
Sex Cels

The Way We Wear Our Hair Down There

September 14, 2015
12:30 pm

pubichairangelTonight –  You decide to get a bikini wax. And you fret, what kind of underwear do I wear? What if I am on my period? I am as clean as I can be, but am I clean enough? Surely, everyone takes care and worries about these things before going and exposing their soft and intimates before a complete stranger who will be up close and personal in your business as they do their business of landscaping your nethers. Or maybe not.
We will have a local esthetician on hand with stories about the realities of removing unwanted nether hair, as we discuss traditions and tendencies of twat and taint trimming.

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My Prerogative

September 7, 2015
3:42 pm

One county clerk using her elected position to deny people in her area the right to marry because of her own religious prejudices.
Pseudo-celebrities spreading shame about being overweight, a breath after denying fat shaming exists.
Who gets to choose when it comes to our bodies, our sex, and our selves in the lives we lead?

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