starring Dr. Hal !
August 18, 2023 10:00pm


Ask Dr Hal
--OR, TAXONOMIES OF FANTASTIC ZOOLOGY, since a rambling discourse to such a purpose eventually develops and carries the program right up against its conclusion. Yes, we mention the old boy and his confinement within the Moon's Orbit, and that's at the beginning, following an Apostrophe to Necromancy. We know, we know-- we've spent a lot of time preaching against this practice, but here we give it some Equal Time to make its case. It's only fair. That's Clark Ashton Smith and George Meredith respectively. Now, an interesting recent book, LORDS OF THE LEFT-HAND PATH, which we loaned to somebody and never got back, makes the trenchant observation that everything you read about devil and demon worshipers has been written by the Other Side-- that is, those who vehemently oppose them. Some caution should be exercised, then, in approaching this topic. So that's this show, a mere three hours talking about Gryphons. Aramaspians, Dragons, Sea Monsters, Chimaeras, Harpies and even the Fire Salamanders in the works of Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim. And again we revisit battling theories in Vertebrate Paleontology, and stake our position in the burning controversy about just how saintly was "St." George, anyway (not very)... Then there's the entirely incorrect and false current concept of the Unicorn. What caused us to follow this enchanting but deadly creature into a Labyrinth of error? Eh? Heh, heh... Groovy, ain't it? It'll just slay 'em. And we throw in the legend of Cupid and Psyche, which comes to us in late Roman literature courtesy of the Metamorphosis of Apuleius. This show has a reputation to uphold.

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