July 19, 12pm

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This ain’t no bar fight (though I’m fairly confident that Cash would win). No, this is a love fest. Johnny Cash and Nick Cave have more in common, musically, than many other combos. Cave has claimed that it was the fire and brimstone preachers of the American south that have inspired him the most in his songwriting, while Cash lived it by being raised there!
I’ve been wanting to host this special for a while now, but it’s not easy with only two hours to cover two men of such musical prominence. I’m sure the critics can tear my sets apart, which is fine. How would you improve on this show? Leave comments. In retrospect, I could have played Cave’s version of “The Singer”, and left out the Cash/Dylan duet. Other than that I could have used about six more hours to really do them justice. Thanks to everyone who offered their suggestions on my FB thread.
Next Monday night will feature lots of new music and some psych jams.
Hell’s Kitchen Radio with John Hell
Mondays 8-10PM
Radio Valencia in SF
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Mercy Seat: Johnny Cash
Flesh and Blood: Johnny Cash
Devil’s Right Hand: Johnny Cash
Red Right Hand: Nick Cave
Moonland: Nick Cave
There She Goes My Beautiful World: Nick Cave
Delia’s Gone: Johnny Cash
Cocaine Blues: Johnny Cash
Stagger Lee: Nick Cave
Where the Wild Roses Grow: Nick Cave and Kylie Minogue
Give My Love to Rose: Johnny Cash
Redemption Song: Johnny Cash and Joe Strummer
I’ve Been Everywhere: Johnny Cash and Lynn Anderson
The Ship Song: Nick Cave
Tupelo: Nick Cave
Jennifer’s Veil: Birthday Party
The Folk Singer: Johnny Cash
Girl From North Country: Johnny Cash and Bob Dylan
25 Minutes to Go: Johnny Cash
Don’t Take Your Guns To Town: Johnny Cash
Wanted Man: Johnny Cash
Jubilee Street: Nick Cave
Super Heathen Child: Grinderman
Hurt: Johnny Cash
Cindy: Johnny Cash and Nick Cave
I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry: Johnny Cash and Nick Cave
June 20, 11am

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Sorry to have missed last week. I just had to watch the Warriors beat up on the Cavs. Thanks to DJ dialashot for taking the controls. I trust he did me proud.
The heat of our studio makes me want to rock out and sweat! Full disclosure: turntable two was out of commission tonight, but thanks to my many years of radio experience I come prepared. I was taught years ago to always have something cued up and ready to go. That’s why I bring my trusted iPod with me just to be safe. Junior DJs take note.
The second hour of the broadcast featured some live cuts, including a new release from the “Sonic Journals” of Owsley “Bear” Stanley, and a 12 minute rendition of “Come in my Kitchen” from Johnny Winter. Also, a new release from Seattle’s The Monkeywrench, featuring Mark Arm and Steve Turner of Mudhoney. It’s a live album released by Valley King Records.
I’m in the planning stages for my next Rock Fight, which will feature myself and recording engineer John Karr. I’m nervous about this one. He’s got more quality live shows that he himself engineered and recorded than all the shows I’ve downloaded over the years. I’m hoping my years of radio experience distract him enough so I can continue my string of Rock Fight wins. Stay tuned.
Hell’s Kitchen with John Hell
Mondays 8-10PM
Radio Valencia in SF
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Common People: William Shatner
You’re Gonna Miss Me: Doug Sahm and Sons
Corpse on a Roof: The Blind Shake
Astronome Domine: Voivod
Digging My Grave: The Flesh Eaters
I’m Gonna Kill That Woman: Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
Alice: Meatbodies
Black Betty: Jon Spencer Blues Explosion
When I’m Old: The Fastbacks
We Don’t Quit: The Flat Earthers
Bottle Up And Go: The Monkeywrench
Who Was In My Room Last Night: Butthole Surfers
She’s A Lady: Tom Jones
Doo Doo Wap Is Strong In Here: Curtis Mayfield
The Girls Are Naked: Creation
Four Women: Nina Simone
Rejected Generic Pop Song: Father John Misty
Can’t Help Myself: Brother Joscephus and the Love Revolution
Glorious: Polkacide
Deep Elem Blues: Doc and Merle Watson (May 1, 1974 Boarding House, SF, CA)
Come On In My Kitchen: Johnny Winter (September 05, 1978 Bottom Line, NYC, NY)
Whole Lotta Rosie: AC/DC (December 17, 1981 War Memorial, Rochester, NY)
Bridge Over Troubled Water: Aretha Franklin (June 12 1971, Montreux Jazz Festival, Switzerland)
The Way Young Lovers Do: Van Morrison
April 25, 10am

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Download this Aural Wonder, HERE!
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Say what you will about Record Store Day, my friend Dan shared some arguments against it, but I’m just fine with my obsession. I spent an hour in line at 1-2-3-4 Go! Records on Valencia last Saturday morning before being able to enter and peruse the annual selection. I also stepped across the street to Stranded Records to pick up a few more. I did not find parking by Thrillhouse Records and my wallet really ended the conversation for me by that point.
I’m not in it for the reissues of some major label dreck. I have no need for the Stevie Nicks rarities LP. As much as I love Prince, I really see no reason why to purchase the 1999 reissue. This is supposed to be about getting people to visit independent record stores to see what they’ve been missing by choosing to download or stream music, only. And there is a lot that you have been missing. You can see the full list of 2017 Record Store Day releases here.
The first hour of this show features my purchases. The second hour starts with a Prince “Deliverance” EP that a judge recently ruled won’t be allowed for release until a hearing in May. You get first listen. Lots of live treats follow, including a rare Os Mutantes soundboard, and the night that Ziggy Stardust died on stage.
Hell’s Kitchen with John Hell
Mondays 8-10PM
Radio Valencia in SF
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Way Down in the Hole: Steve Earle
Thank You Friends: Big Star
Better Off Dead: The Wipers
Wild One: Pure Hell
Johnny Adams: Spanish Harlem
I Won The Big Deal: Arnold Blair
Le Jeu Telephone: Caroline
Interstellar Overdrive: Pink Floyd
Sitting on Top of the World: Grateful Dead (07-29-66 Vancouver, CN)
Hard Time Killin’ Floor Blues: Skip James
A Bigger Paper Bag: Father John Misty
Deliverance EP: Prince
Wild Eyed Boy From Freecloud-All The Young Dudes-Oh! You Pretty Things: David Bowie (07-03-1973 Hammersmith Odeon, London, England)
Frutificar: Os Mutantes (06-06-1978 Teatro de Arena, Ribeirao Preto, Sao Paulo, Brazil)
Mercy Seat: Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds (07-05-1998 Werchter, Belgium)
Death Valley 69: Sonic Youth (07-04-1998 Werchter, Belgium)
Paraphernalia: Miles Davis Quintet (11-05-1969 Stockholm, Sweden)
Pinch the Dream: CFM
Banker’s Blues: Rory Gallagher (01-1972 Apropop)